Gold wash over Sterling Silver - Greek Love Poem Earrings with Pearls
Gold wash over Sterling Silver - Greek Love Poem Earrings with Pearls
Greek love poem earrings with pearls. Pearls symbolize wisdom acquired through experience. They are believed to attract wealth and luck as well as offer protection. Known for their calming effect, pearls can balance one's karma, strengthen relationships, and keep children safe. The pearl is also said to symbolize the purity, generosity, integrity, and loyalty of its wearer. The band of the earring has a love poem by the ancient Greek poet, Nossis who lived in southern Italy approximately 2500 years ago. Nossis’s poetry has survived the ages. The fragment on the ring says: ‘Nothing is sweeter than love, no treasure more precious, even honey is bitter in comparison. So Says Nossis.’ Cast in Italy from an antique intaglio purchased in a Roman street market.
Also available in sterling silver.